Animavi currently holds the following federal and state government contracts:


Contract Number: GS28F013CA
Schedule: 71-207 Casual and Outdoor Furniture and Accessories
Term of Contract: August 4, 2015 – August 5, 2020

Contract Number: GS28F014CA
Schedule: 71-308 Cafeteria and Food Service Furniture
Term of Contract: August 4, 2015 – August 5, 2020

Download Schedule 71-207 and 71-308 Product Pricing

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Contract Number: CMAS 4-16-71-0157A
Base GSA Schedule Number: GS28F013CA
Term of Contract: August 1, 2016 – November 30, 2020

Contract Number: CMAS 4-16-71-0157B
Base GSA Schedule Number: GS28F014CA
Term of Contract: August 1, 2016 – November 30, 2020

Animavi designs and manufactures a complete line of premium quality furniture suitable for interior and exterior environments. To receive further product and GSA pricing details, contact our sales team at (213) 221-7146 or at